We deal with professional remanufacturing of all kinds of turbochargers. Based on the experience of our specialists, We provide repair and maintenance services for turbochargers. Employees of our company have a whole range of personal certificates and specialist trainings. In addition to the most valuable asset that is undoubtedly the people who create the company “Nowe Turbo“, we can boast a wealth of technical facilities, allowing for efficient service and precise diagnostics of turbocharging systems.
To ensure a comprehensive service for each client, we have prepared an On-Line Internet Shop for you so that our cooperation can be carried out quickly and efficiently. The current availability of each model is an additional advantage.
We focus on the highest quality of our services!
We make every effort to ensure that the repaired turbochargers in our company have similiar quality as a brand new.
For this purpose, each turbocharger after the completion of the regeneration process is verified by the quality control department. Among other things, we use for this purpose the CIMAT TURBOTEST device (dynamically checking the boost pressure and correct flue gas flow through variable nozzle geometry – comparing the results to factory-new parameters).
Thanks to this, we are sure that the turbocharger purchased by you will work properly, which will allow further cooperation.
We invite you to cooperation: